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California MBA
Real Estate Finance’s Voice in California
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Representing all our members before all government and regulatory agencies in the state of California.
We offer a wide array of exclusive programs, events and tools to encourage continued growth and knowledge in the industry.
All our events offer a place to keep informed about new trends and network with the industry’s most qualified professionals.

Meet Bankers Insurance Service
Bankers Insurance Service (BIS) was established in 1952 in concert with the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) to address the Fidelity Bond and Mortgagees E&O insurance needs of mortgage banks and mortgage investors. These coverages meet the insurance requirements of mortgage investors, warehouse lenders, and GSE’s.
BIS owns the longest running binding authority placed into the Lloyd’s of London marketplace, going back 73 years. As a coverholder for Lloyd’s, BIS’ other coverage offerings include: Mortgage Impairment, Professional Liability, Cyber Liability, and Directors and Officers Insurance. BIS also offers state licensing bonds that are underwritten by domestic insurance companies.
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