Advocacy. Education. Connection.
Representing and Equipping Today’s Mortgage Industry Professional for Success
Our Mission
The California MBA serves to represent the residential and commercial real estate finance industry before all governing bodies. The California MBA encourages and promotes sound business practices and honesty in marketing, origination, lending, and servicing of mortgage loans through our educational and networking opportunities.
Who We Are
The California MBA, representing hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of California employees, is the leading advocate for the industry in the largest mortgage/real estate market in the nation. The California MBA represents residential and commercial/multi-family mortgage bankers, as well as their essential vendor partners.

What We Do
The California MBA provides on-the-ground advocacy in the State Legislature, and before government agencies and regulators. The California MBA also hosts numerous educational conferences, webinars, and programs to keep you up-to-date on the latest information and analysis. Additionally, the California MBA provides our members and the industry with valuable networking opportunities to help you find new business opportunities.

Let us help you navigate the world of real estate finance.
Our Main Focus
Promoting fair and ethical lending practices is what we’re all about. To make this possible, we offer a wide range of educational programs, services, and industry publications to our members.

California MBA Difference
The California MBA provides its members a competitive edge by effectively aggregating political, economic and marketing power. Its membership of companies includes all elements of real estate finance—residential, commercial, multi-family, and industry service providers.